
The 2023 edition will take place at the Gorges du Verdon from July 2 to 5

A congress by PhD students for PhD students !

Nice cultivates a thriving research community, within which a wide range of the physics disciplines are represented by several laboratories and research institutions.

These institutions can count as many as 140 PhD students and this high number of young minds alone was motivation enough to start theJournées Doctorales de la Physique Niçoiseaka JDPN in 2014.

Seven years later, we are now about to kickstart the 10th JDPN ! Following our tradition, we are thrilled to invite you, phd candidates in and around the field of physics, to participate in the JDPN 2023.

Thanks to funding from the Doeblin Federation, the Université Côte d’Azur, the EUR Spectrum and ED SFA and all participating labs, the JDPN are completely free for participants allowing every willing student to make the trip without worries. For this we would like to thank them. Their efforts to promote the organization of interdisciplinary scientific events show a real desire to converge toward a more consolidated research in Nice.

This year, the JDPN 2023 will take place at the « Gorges du Verdon » from July 2 to 5. The bus transfer from Nice, cosy accommodation and awesome food as well as an outdoor activity are included. Everyone attending will present their PhD work with a slide show (~15-20 mins).

We Phd students represent the future. We are the bearers of new ideas that deserve to be shared. That is the reason why this event was created and continues to take place each year. This initiative aims not only to bring together all physics PhD students from the Université Côte d’Azur in one place, but also to strengthen relationships and promote the sharing of knowledge across disciplines and between institutions. In this regard, we want to keep and grow the JDPN with the help of the various institutions doing research in all fields of Physics: ARTEMIS, CEMEF, CRHEAGEOAZURINPHYNILAGRANGE and LJAD.

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